
Environmental mediation and conciliation

Integrated approach

My scientific background has allowed me to develop the highest level of expertise in modeling marine ecosystems based on an integrated approach and a global, holistic vision. Having worked on diversified high-profile cases, I have assimilated and mastered information from different fields of expertise. This has allowed me to develop a great capacity for leadership, collaboration, team work, understanding scientific notions, and popularizing complex knowledge in English and French.

Working together, for oecans

Exemples of mandates carried out:

    • Impact studies – marine shipping;
    • Climate change education – fisheries;
    • Research of media content (TV, radio and movies);
    • Development of environmental monitoring protocols;
    • Socio-politics – whaling and its antipode, whale-watching;
    • Education programs for schools;
    • Literature review for legal cases – First Nations;
    • Workshop hosting for maritime cases;
    • Multiple international collaborative projects.

Mediating environmental disputes

I am a scientist skilled at understanding the notions, concepts and conflicting interests of stakeholders in the development of projects. I have extensive experience working with government institutions, academics, NPOs and corporations. I am highly skilled in the development of practical, creative and original solutions while considering the needs and objectives of all parties.

Content research

I have a wide range of experience in performing effective and detailed content research to answer all your environmental questions. I can also conduct comprehensive literature reviews, develop data acquisition protocols, as well as knowledge inventories on multiple topics.

Science popularization

Extensionist emeritus, I can assimilate and disseminate highly specialized scientific content to make it understandable to the general public. Whether it is to host workshops, highlight your actions, or to help explain complex environmental phenomena, I have the expertise to help you reach your goals. My mandates are aimed at direct stakeholders such as fishermen, the shipping industry and NGOs, as well as elementary schools and other non-specialists of all ages.

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