

Posts by M

Lyne Morissette is honoured by the Canadian Wildlife Federation for her exceptional contribution to the conservation of wildlife in Canada

It was at the annual banquet of the Canadian Wildlife Federation that Dr Morissette, a marine biologist from Rimouski, WC, received one of the most prestigious conservation prize of the country. Awarded for the first time in 1978, this honour is given annually in recognition to the involvement of a person to the promotion and […]

M will be present for the Month of the Earth at Rivière-du-Loup

Le samedi 3 mai à 14h00 se tiendra la conférence de Lyne Morissette sur la biodiversité du Saint-Laurent et les menaces reliéesAlso, buy levitra view now a suitable dose can be better confirmed by a professional. Because of this supplement, it rejuvenates the brain by forming new blood vessels alongwith viagra without regulating the immune […]

Art, science and the whales of the St. Lawrence

Dans le cadre de l’édition rimouskoise du 24 heures de sciences, Lyne Morissette et Caroline Jacques allient leur passion commune pour les grands cétacés et présentent une activité grand public au Carrefour Rimouski. Cette activité fait partie des nombreux événements créés dans le cadre du projet Art & Science de M. 24 heures de science, […]

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